3:03 am
The following was found in journal entries of one Daniel Sullivan of Dorcester. I just want to post this here in case someone knows him. I have unfortunately found that the book mentioned and this journey Daniel embarked upon has something to do with it, but the book is no where to be found.
If you have any information at all please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
February 20, 2020
I could not believe I was finally able to read this book. Well read may be a strong term because I still do not comprehend the letters, but as I scanned over them it was like I… It was like I could feel what it was saying. The characters didn’t change or anything, but they actually made sense.
The book I am referring to has been in my family since my grandfather brought it back from World War 2. He had found in some small town along the Rhine river and stuck it in his backpack. He spent some time showing it around to various people, mainly as a talking point, but he didn’t seem to have much interest in it after that. My father on the other hand spent a good decade with some of the brightest minds at MIT. They put it through every cipher they knew, but to no avail. It became a curiosity in the college and stayed there for years. The school eventually bought it from my father, but some professor I’m not sure who, returned it to him one morning a few years later. He didn’t explain why, but asked my father to never bring this book back to the campus and that MIT wanted nothing further to do with it.
Which is how it has now been passed down to me. About the only use I have for it though is around Halloween and scaring my friends. Last week I came across it in the closet and showed it to my girlfriend and we thumbed through it’s thick pages. Looking at all the strange characters that spill across them. She got a little creeped out by it and called it weird as she tossed it back on the coffee table.
Last night when we got home from the bars she got agitated with me about it still being on the coffee table and wanted me to put it away. It had just turned 3am, and she went straight to bed. I carried it into the second bedroom to put it back in the closet, but had one last look at it’s pages— and it was the strangest thing. I finally felt the words.
A voice began echoing in my head about a place called Prulqwkro, it was difficult to understand and sounded distant at first, but slowly built and built until it was all I could hear. It wasn’t terrifying though, it… felt familiar. It was a civilization, very ancient. I felt like I was there, but then it was over so fast. The voice dissipated as quickly as it erupted in my head. I tried skimming the passage again, but I couldn’t feel the words anymore. The voice was quiet.
I thought maybe I had just the perfect amount of booze, so tonight I got a little liquored up and just stared at the book. Catherine was pissed at me and tried to get me to go to bed, but I had to feel that again. I just had to know. So I stayed up drinking a bit more, and reading the texts over and over. Waiting for that moment until it clicked. What I felt the previous night. The clock read 3am and still nothing, and I was about ready to go to sleep. I still had to be at work in the morning and being up at this hour wasn’t the most productive choice— but at 3:03am the passages spoke again!! I couldn’t believe it. One second I was staring at the page of the book and then as fast as it happened the previous evening, the voice erupted within my mind and I was transported. The words called to me and exposed their long kept secrets.
Not only was Prulqwkro ancient, but it was not really a part of this world anymore. It wasn’t always the case though. At one point in time Prulqwkro had been right on this very Earth. It had tall structures and these intricate arks that crossed between them. The city was bathed in solid white and these lights floated around it like ghost, they were called Kindreds and they cared for the place, took care of it. In front of me tall white buildings stretched almost endlessly. Around it the city was surrounded by mountains that stretched into the clouds. The sky was made up of swirling colors mainly white and green, it swayed rapidly around me. I don’t know how else to describe this, but I was there. I was standing on a white road and above me these Kindred’s danced and twirled through the sky. The book, my office, our world peeled away from me, and the text… what text? It was all I understood. I looked around in amazement it was as if at any point I wanted to understand something all I needed was to look at it and be directed to the right path. I looked up as a kindred came close to my face and I leaned in to get a better look at it…
But then I wasn’t in Prulqwkro anymore. I again found myself in my office looking at the book on my desk. The time read 3:04am. I can’t tell you how frustrated I am to find— that this is the case. I feel like I scratched the surface of this wonderful world. Like I had unlocked some secret that has been plaguing my family for years. Then to be shut out?
February 21, 2020
I could hardly hold back my excitement as 3am rolled around. Catherine had been looking at me skeptically all day. She didn’t believe me when I told her what happened. I tried to get her to stay up, and perhaps join me? If that was possible, but I will try harder another time. I just want to be back. I cannot wait for 3:03am.
I was fully engulfed this time. I read… or I experienced as much as I could. Who knew such a secret lay in my closet! My families closet! This whole time!! Incredible. This city wasn’t like ours, or as we knew. It ran off the energy of life itself. The kindred’s were all thats left, yet they continued to power the city with their own natural life. The second 3:03 had clicked over I fell. Like fell out of my chair into this bold new world. I really went for it this time, I wanted to get off the street. I found that I didn’t need to move myself along the text. If that’s what was even happening I could make my way there by just looking towards something. I found the tallest tower and went through it. Pulling in as much as I could looking at the walls, and looking at the structures. The energy that flowed through them was incredible! The walls themselves glowed with the aura of life.
I was entranced. After last night I felt even more lost when I found myself again at 3:04am staring at a book in my office. To unlock such secrets and be locked out. I don’t think I will even sleep tonight. I can’t stop thinking about Prulqwkro.
February 26, 2020
The weekend was busy. Catherine and I had a ski trip planned this passed weekend. I tried to take the book with me, but she refused to let me have it. I got drunk and told my friend Larry about it. He didn’t believe me either, but it doesn’t matter. Last night when Catherine fell asleep I snuck off into the office, but didn’t have time to write about it so wanted to catch up a bit along with this nights session.
Curiously enough I found myself within the walls of the building in Prulqwkro I had visited on my last session. I was surrounded by the Kindreds they were swarming around my face and the books words became difficult to read. There were times I felt like I was seeing both the Prulqwkro’s building walls and my own office. I physically waved my hands around my head and for the remainder of the time I was back. Prulqwkro was mine again to explore. The walls were full of life. I traveled down them as if it was as easy as pushing yourself down a track. My mind slid through paragraphs with full understanding. The Kindreds themselves cried out to me.
Tonight— I went further through the walls to the very base of the building. I saw this grand flow of kindreds. They swirled in immaculate waves. Packed so tightly as they joined and split from this river. Giving energy to whatever required it, and then being dispersed again into the roots.
As I am back in my office now. I feel exhausted but connected. Like I was apart of their river. Like I was a kindred myself in that world.
February 28, 2020
Catherine joined me last night. Well as briefly as ever, but she said she understood. We both sat in front of the book and I asked her to concentrate, and that at 3:03am we would be bound into this world. She was tired, but with no work for her tomorrow I had made some coffee for us both. I wish I could of looked at her when the time hit. I want to know what it looks like when someone is reading this. I just want to know what it is like when someone is also pulled into this. If the world changes for a third party or if it just looks as though someone is reading? Doesn’t matter though when we were there it felt together. As the time changed there we were both of us.
To my amazement she was looking right at me as the river of Kindred’s flowed below us. As if we were reading in sync. She gasped, but I could tell she understood. We couldn’t utter any words to each other, but I felt her will to go up and so we ascended like gods. We zoomed across the sky looking down at the whole city. I felt the full understanding of the climate. The storms that ravaged here across the towers. They had storms as well, just as we did. When it rained here it came down as a fog. Never within a liquid state and it wasn’t clear that it was even ever water.
Catherine looked at me her mouth agape. She asked me if that had been real. I am so happy she believes me! And to know that others can come with me. This isn’t a solitary journey.
March 1, 2020
It was a solitary journey this morning. Catherine fell asleep. We both had fallen asleep the morning prior. I set an alarm, but I ran to the book at 3:03am only to find the confusing text staring at me once again. When I looked at my phone it was 3:05am. When you only have a minute a day to explore, it’s tough to catch it.
Tonight though I made my way around town some more, but I wanted to know if there was any government in Prulqwkro, if thats even what it would be. I found myself in front of a large building that lay in the center of town, a building within a crater, but the kindred did not swarm above it. It was where the Kindred showed me, but upon arriving they dispersed. Government may have been the wrong world, I thought of a lot of them as I stood on the street; President, King, Leader, Ruler? I don’t know which one clicked through but I was led to this structure. Kindred fluttered around me more and more and I had to concentrate hard to walk up the steps, but as I made it up the fifth one they stopped clouding around my face, and only five more steps would place me in the doorway.
That was all I had time for.
March 2, 2020
At 3:03am… I
I’m having trouble describing this. Even writing the words is hard.
There was a skull man.
March 4, 2020
I should’ve gone back to add more. Im k. I … I start write and the eyes. The eyes really bother me. When I opened the door I was met with rage. I found myself walking in the door of this place following the energy as I had before. But it suddenly fell out from my feet? I’ve been a bit scared to go back. But it’s 2:52am right now. I’m hoping that was just a weird snag or something. Maybe going back tonight is a bad idea? My minds been a mess all weekend. Catherine has been worried. I can’t eat. I woke up right at 3:03am last night but the book is in my office. I started to get up but she grabbed me and then it was 3:04am… so what was the point. She is asleep on the couch after watching a movie. So I am going back tonight. It was the first time I had seen anything other than the kindred’s before. I’m going to pull the book out and look. It won’t be long now.
He… It…. Grabbed me the second my eyes hit the page. On Friday it was standing so far away, but the second I looked at the book all I saw was its skull. It didn’t pull me apart and instead I found myself on a journey with it through Prulqwkro. It led the way and we went towards the mountains where I found more kindreds. Swirling in a red sea, it had an aggressive pulse. Skull pointed at them and I felt their hatred. I felt all of it pouring on me. Skull ripped me from the mountain and the world turned rapidly to a dark cave within the mountains, this one the kindreds had other forms. Disgusting ones that walked on stork legs and bubbling torsos where long proboscis jutted outward. They stuck the tips into this goo that was coming from the floor in an ever flowing stream. More and more of them came and the kindred clouds, as they entered this room, changed into these… into these creatures. It was horrifying I didn’t want to be there but skull held my wrist in place, I mean I was reading a book right? I fought though. I felt it in my body that I fought, I wanted to find myself on the river of energy again, but I couldn’t break free.
I watched these proboscis ingest this fluid over and over and the skull waved it’s bony fingers over some of them which caused them to get bubble more and then vomit whatever it had lapped up back into the stream, only when it came from the proboscis it was a dark black. The skull seemed to take pleasure at this and I could feel the mirth flowing from it’s fingertips.
Then at once the ground twisted beneath my feet and I found myself back on the white street. The kindreds were back to clouds over my head, but the skull man stood in front of me a good thirty feet. Staring.
It’s 3:59am I don’t know how or why this happened, but I found myself in the book longer than a minute. I guess thats why I felt so stuck. So trapped in that place with… with that skull thing.
March 8, 2020
I’m writing this now as a preliminary. I haven’t been back to Prulqwkro since last Wednesday. I didn’t want to go back really. I kind of want to burn this book, but Catherine wants to go back tonight. She doesn’t have work tomorrow, and this pandemic has stopped my job in the tracks. She thinks it will be a fun thing for us to do. I guess so, I mean I am curious. I want to know what I saw? Maybe I can have some answers, but since Wednesday I have been waking up at 3:03am every night. Waking up in terror and cold sweat. In my head the eye sockets of the skull burn in rage in my head. On Thursday I swear when I shot up from bed at 3:03am there was a shadowy figure at the foot of the bed.
I told Catherine about the skull figure, but she is insistent that we go back. She thinks it is unfair I have been so many times and she only got that one experience. After tonight though… I think I am going to finally get rid of this family treasure of mine. I will report back. I just need to wait until 3:03am. One more time.
Thats the end of it. There is nothing else written after March 8. Their apartment was empty as if they just left. This book, if there even was one, is clearly to blame in this, but I just can’t believe it. There was no sign of struggle and their cell phones were still plugged into the wall within their bedrooms.
Along with the diary there was this one other thing at Daniel’s desk. It was written on this thick piece of parchment.
brxu guhdpv zloo iruhyhu ehorqj wr xv. gr qrw wuhdg lq prulqwkro. ru zh zloo fodlp brx dv zh glg wkhvh wzr
brx duh qrw zhofrph khuh
I did some research though and have learned that this is in fact something called a Caesarian Shift. One of the earliest forms of cryptography used by Caesar with his generals. The trick to it is to shift the letters up by a number, which is called the cipher, to encrypt the message. Then the reader can determine the message by downshifting the letter by the cipher. This particular pattern is shifted up by the 3, which means if you reverse that then the b -> y. The message then reads as the following.
your dreams will forever belong to us. do not tread in morinthol. or we will claim you as we did these two
you are not welcome here
Again if you have any information on the book please reach out. I am going to be meeting with an contact at MIT on this matter very soon. I want to know more about their studies.