Eat Worms Part II
We had to all notice it at the same time, because the four of us turned towards the front door in disbelief. This cold squelching noise emitting from the wooden frame. The type of noise you would hear when pressing your fingers into a moist putty or when you step across a wet carpet and it burps as your weight depresses the material. The noise seemed to grow louder and fill the silence in my head. I could feel it as a much as I could hear it. The symphony of the little wet drumbeats.

Eat Worms
“GROSS!” Matt exclaimed. I looked over his shoulders to see what it was. There on the dirt was a long worm flailing about. It didn’t look like a worm I had ever seen before. Little particles of sand stuck to it’s slimy purple body. Its ends thrashed violently as it was baking in the sun, probably would of died right there had Henry not noticed it. “I’ve never seen a worm like this. Max you ever see something like this?” Matt glanced at me and I could only shake my head. The worm was purple but also shimmered with this metallic gloom. It was extremely peculiar and I found that I didn’t have much input on the matter, but now I wished I had just stepped on it then and there and been done with the wretched little thing.